Breastfeeding Awareness - August 2023

August is a time to celebrate and promote the importance of breastfeeding for both mothers and babies.

During this special month, it's important to recognize the challenges and triumphs that come with breastfeeding. Every breastfeeding journey is unique, and it's essential to provide support and resources to mothers to help them navigate this incredible experience.

The Babywearing and Breastfeeding Connection

When it comes to breastfeeding, babywearing can be a game-changer. It allows mothers to breastfeed on the go, making it easier to meet their baby's needs while still being able to accomplish tasks or engage in other activities. Babywearing provides a convenient and hands-free way to breastfeed, allowing mothers to have their hands free for other tasks or simply to relax.

Babywearing also promotes skin-to-skin contact, which is crucial for successful breastfeeding. Skin-to-skin contact helps regulate the baby's body temperature, heart rate, and breathing, while also stimulating milk production. It enhances the bond between mother and baby, creating a nurturing environment that supports breastfeeding.

As we celebrate National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, let's recognize that every breastfeeding journey is unique, and it's essential to provide support, resources, and understanding to all mothers.

Together, we can create a breastfeeding-friendly society that empowers and celebrates the beautiful bond between mother and baby.

Here are some real Mama’s stories of their unique breastfeeding journeys. 


Breastfeeding certainly did not come easy for me. It was painful, hard, and took an emotional toll on me. I was sad because I thought I wasn't producing enough, because all of the women I saw on social media who were over producers. In my mind, I wasn't good at this and thought something was wrong with me. It took a lot of work for me to produce just enough to feed him. I was constantly discouraged and stressed out because I wanted so badly for us to have a successful breastfeeding journey. I also didn't want anyone to know it took so much work for me to produce, because I was embarrassed. 
I had made it a personal goal to go one full year of breastfeeding Kiyo. After a shit ton of breastfeeding, pumping, lactation appointments, dietary changes, and techniques - I was able to make it to 8 months of feeding and providing for my son. At the 6-month mark I saw a huge drop in my supply. I was heartbroken and devastated that I most likely wasn't going to make my goal of one year. We made the decision to introduce formula and do a combination feed. I was a little relieved after the first week and also felt extremely guilty for feeling that way. It took a while for me to finally get to a place where I was able to accept and also feel good about this chapter ending when it was supposed to. 
I am beyond blessed + grateful to have been able to feed Kiyo at all. It was a bonding experience that I will forever cherish, but I am at peace with it coming to an end. 
Whatever us mamas choose, prefer, or just have to do - we're just doing the best we can here. Any way is always enough and such an important experience. Breastfed or formula fed, all that matters is the baby is fed. 


In the beginning I think I put so much pressure on myself, and in turn my son, regarding trying to get him to take a bottle, hit milestones, etc...and then there was one day where I was just like, you know what? None of this is working. 

Screw it, I'm dropping it and I'm not putting pressure on it anymore.  I just kind of started adapting my life to working with him rather than trying to work against him and what's comfortable for him. 

One day, maybe he'll take a bottle. I think at this point we're past that and it's fine. We made it through, and I actually really love being that person to him. And it's been nice just adapting to life with your baby on your hip everywhere you go or on your back everywhere you go. 

So, I can't really ever take a break and I think at the point in my life where I'm at right now I've just accepted that this is where I need to be. A break or something else will come down the road but right now this is my role, and my body was made for this. 

It was built for him and I'm going with it now. I'm moving with the flow rather than trying to back paddle upstream to keep up with whoever is back there or whatever. 

So, this is our life. It's together and I love it. 


Reflecting on this #WorldBreastfeedingWeek, I'm grateful for this journey that's been transformative and healing. When I exclusively pumped for my first child, the thought of nursing my second for three years seemed miraculous. Yet, it happened, and it's been more than a miracle.   

My two babies, 7.5 years apart, inspired me to delve deeper into human lactation. I learned all the boobie traps I had fallen for the first time. Equipped with this knowledge, I was determined to nurse my second. In successfully nursing, I realized how much I hated pumping. Because I didn't HAVE to, I didn't! That made me the sole source of nutrition for a while, but with support, it was much less stressful than EP'ing.   

To make this possible, I shaped my birth plan and postpartum recovery with nursing in mind, surrounding myself with supportive individuals and working with a gentle IBCLC. This fostered a healthy understanding of responsive feeding, normalizing what initially felt like uncharted territory.  The game-changer, though, was babywearing. We know that wearing your baby can positively impact your lactation success, so I started immediately. This practice became an empowering constant starting when my baby was about 30 hours old. It alleviated my concerns about breastfeeding in public and was more than just convenient—it bridged my time between my older child and the newborn, allowing me to step into a world less isolated, where I could balance errands and walks to the coffee shop with feeding and meeting baby's needs. It taught me the beauty of adaptability.   

Despite being a babywearing educator who had helped many people latch in a carrier, I initially felt apprehensive and exposed. I worried about being judged. Moving past these fears opened up a whole world of freedom to keep doing what I loved and needed to do! Some things that helped were fine-tuning my nursing wear for synergy with the carrier and putting a little bucket hat on the baby for more privacy in the Tula Signature Ring Sling. In my Tula Free-to-Grow, I could also snap one side of the sleeping hood for more privacy!   

Our nursing journey, while beautiful, wasn't without any adversity, though. My compassionate IBCLC provided solace and encouragement during those sensitive and tender postpartum days. She diagnosed my daughter's ties and respected my decision against oral surgery for my newborn while supporting us with latching and weight monitoring. She is 4.5 now, and I am even more sure today that it was the right decision.   

So, here's to all caregivers on their unique feeding journeys, the supportive systems that uplift us, and the precious miracles we wear in our Tulas. Your strength, resilience, and love make the world better, one baby at a time. Let's continue to share, support, and celebrate the power of breastfeeding together. #nursingmom #babywearing #breastfeedingweek2023 


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Baby Tula creates unique and expressive carriers that help parents keep doing what they love while connecting with their little ones. With a variety of unique prints, small batch and handwoven fabrics, inclusive sizing, and carriers for older babies too, you can find a carrier that’s distinctly you! 

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