6 Ideas to Celebrate Valentine's Day as New Parents

It’s easy to let things like Valentine’s Day slip through the cracks while balancing parenthood during a pandemic. The love holiday might not be at the top of your priority list right now, but time spent connecting with your partner can often help make parenting struggles less stressful for each of you. Understandably, date nights in the time of covid might mean that childcare isn’t a viable option. Even if you are fortunate enough to live somewhere without community transmission (We see you, NZ), you might not be ready to leave your infant at home anyway. Not to worry, we put together some ideas of how you can celebrate Valentine’s Day (or just about any other day) with your partner AND baby.

The best way to keep a baby content while celebrating Valentine’s Day with your partner is by using a baby carrier. Your baby can stay cozy and comfortable while you and your partner make time for each other. Baby’s needs for connecting with you and having a calm environment to rest in are met while they are in your Tula carrier, allowing you some time to connect with your loved one.

Here are a few ideas and tips for dating your partner in 2022:

1. Keep it Simple

Finding quality time with your partner doesn’t have to mean big extravagant plans. Simple tasks like taking a walk or making a special meal together can become an opportunity for you to catch up with your partner. Keeping the event simple makes it far easier to “plan,” and it still can be meaningful. Just be sure to make a rule to keep the conversation about each other and use the time to catch up and connect.

2. Dates Don’t Have to be After Dark 

Decide on a time of day that makes sense for your family. Maybe that is a sunrise hike since your baby is up with the sun anyway. Taking advantage of nap schedules might give you some precious alone time too! 

3. Out and about with baby:

  • Go on a hike with a beautiful view. 
  • Have a picnic on the beach. 
  • Pickup from your favorite coffee shop and go for a walk.
  • A light outdoor sport like lawn bowling can be fun.
  • Find a drive-in movie theater or concert.
  • Visit a local nursery to plan your spring garden. 
  • Walk a botanical garden and take some cute babywearing selfies.


4. Have a Night IN

A “date” with your partner can happen at home! Cooking dinner together, having your favorite meal delivered, or perhaps a movie after baby is asleep can make an evening at home a little more festive and allow you to focus on your partner in more comfortable surroundings for everyone.

5. Family dates without leaving home: 

  • Make a charcuterie board together. (#TulaTip if you make a separate one for your kids, you will have a little space to yourselves)
  • Learn a babywearing dance with GroovaRoo. 
  • Take a virtual mixology class
  • Try a #nailedit baking challenge and decorate desserts for each other.
  • Get take out from your favorite restaurant and set up a romantic dinner.
  • There are virtual museum tours, magic shows, and even a Hogwarts Digital Escape Room that you can do together.  
  • Set aside time to snuggle up under a Cuddle Me blanket and talk about your goals as a team for the year. Your Tula ring sling is very couch snuggling friendly if baby needs to be close. 
  • A backyard picnic on your Tula Blanket will be a fun way to intentionally relax as a family. Don't forget to snap some photos!  

6. It’s the Little Things

Doing a few little things can be a romantic way to celebrate with your partner without having to stress over one big event (or day) to celebrate. Writing sweet notes to hide or give to them throughout the week, playing your wedding song, or scrolling through some old photos you have and recalling fun memories are just little things you can do to show affection and love for your partner without having to find time alone.
It’s lovely to have some time alone with your partner, but that doesn’t have to be the only way you can enjoy your Valentine this year. And these activities can most definitely become a regular way that you and your partner make time to celebrate your love. Share your own Valentine’s day plans, or tell us if you have more ideas on how you can balance relationships and parenting time.

*Our pictures that depict models in public without masks were taken pre-covid. 
*Visit your state health department website for information about COVID-19 safety restrictions before planning a date outside your home. The CDC also has provided guidelines about how to engage in outdoor activities. 

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