Journey to Parenthood: Jessica

At Baby Tula, we have a few families who are beginning their journey to parenthood. It is exciting that we get to experience how the path to becoming a parent can look different for every family. We wanted to explore their diverse journeys to see what commonalities we share and what makes them wonderfully unique. We will periodically be sharing updates from these team members throughout their journies.

We want to introduce you to Jessica's journey. Jessica is our Marketing Manager that is currently pregnant with her first child.

UPDATE #2: The following update was shared in April 2019

Describe where you are at currently in your journey to becoming a parent:

My due date is in 2 ½ weeks!

I attended my baby shower a couple of weeks ago that my sister and best friends organized. It’s so overwhelming how much love and thoughtful gifts you get! It was then nice that we were able to finish our nursery and see what we still needed. Now we’re ready to go!

How are you feeling about where you are currently at?

I’m actually still feeling pretty good and getting decent sleep, so I’m trying to enjoy the last couple weeks without a newborn :)

What is something you have recently learned?

Every labor/delivery is different. I have 4 girlfriends who have either delivered or will deliver this year and every experience and story is different. I have learned not to compare or expect my experience to be like theirs.

What are you looking forward to next?

I’m excited to introduce the baby to our two dogs!

Any questions you want to ask our community?

Any advice on introducing the dogs to our baby?


UPDATE #1: The following update was shared in February 2019


Describe where you are at currently in your journey to becoming a parent:

I am currently 7 months pregnant!

How are you feeling about where you are currently at:

Physically, I’ve been feeling great. My husband and I have been really proactive with the nursery, so that’s coming along nicely :)

What is something you have recently learned:

I’ve learned to hold strong on my values and personal opinions of pregnancy and parenting, while still being respectful to others’ thoughts/opinions even if they’re given without warrant.

What are you looking forward to next?:

I’m looking forward to seeing what this baby is going to look like! I want to know what color eyes he’s going to have, what color hair he’ll have (if he even has hair when he’s born!).

Any questions you want to ask our community:

Any advice on introducing your dogs to your newborn? We have two rescue dogs who have been around plenty of newborns, babies, toddlers - but they’ve never had to live with one!

Thank you, Jessica! We are looking forward to sharing your next update. 

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