The start of a new year often sees messages like “new year, new you” all over. Even if we didn’t think we needed to lose weight, smile more, or eat more kale, our social media might tell us otherwise. Instead of the typical new year’s resolutions, we’re taking a different approach to our 2021 resolutions and we invite you to join us.
What if we collectively believed that we are already fabulous? What if our “self-care” was selfless? Perhaps a resolution like this would make you feel stronger as you kick off a new year instead of striving for an impossible picture of perfection.
To start this new style of resolution setting, journaling can help you define and plan how you want to move forward. If you are not familiar with journaling, not to worry as we have tips for you, below! Use the suggestions that work for you and leave the rest:
Take a little bit of time for peace and quiet.
We know that can be hard in today’s hectic world, but taking a few moments to focus will make the practice more meaningful. Perhaps having baby nap in a Tula carrier will give you the time you need.
Setting the mood can provide inspiration.
While you are carving out some time to write down your goals, plan to create a calming space. Something as simple as making your favorite cup of tea can help! You can also step outside for a few minutes and get some fresh air while you write.
Start thinking ahead of actually writing.
If you know you are short on time, read our selfless resolution prompts, below, and think about them as long as you need to. You can save the questions on your phone and think about them in line for the grocery store, on your lunch break at work, or in the shower. Then, when you’re able to make time to write, you will already have some thoughts ready to jot down.
Release the need for perfection.
Many people do not journal or write down their thoughts because they don’t have the time, a pretty notebook, great handwriting, and the list goes on. Your journaling does not need to be polished. This is an exercise for you. If it turns out to be a spider diagram on a post-it, that’s yours, and it’s great!
Do you.
See a theme here? We are releasing that need for perfection and focusing on the bigger picture. Handwriting in cursive is supposed to be therapeutic for some folks. Still, you might find it easier to type on a computer, use your phone to add text to a photo that inspires you (even an IG story can turn into journaling), make a voice memo, or upcycle a piece of your child’s art and jot notes on the back.
Build off the momentum of our community, share, and win!
We will be asking our selfless resolution prompts on Instagram, @babytula. If you’re feeling comfortable to share, we would love for your to share your intentions for the year by responding to our Stories and sharing in your own IG Stories too.
We will be selecting responses to share back in our stories, and all who respond will be entered into a giveaway for a (non-Signature) carrier of your choice. There will be two winners! We would also love to see this movement catch wind beyond our community. If you feel inspired to share your responses on your own social media, tag us, and this will count as an additional entry. Additional giveaway details can be found on our post.