Getting to Know Motherhood: Sonia La Vigne

Motherhood has different experiences with unique challenges and successes. So,what brings you and your baby comfort and joy isn’t always the same. As we approach Mother’s Day, we will be getting to know seven real-life mothers and sharing different Baby Tula items that we think can support them in their journey. Each day we will ask 5 simple questions to a different Mom and feature a Tula giveaway item that you can add to your parenting “toolbox”. 
Today, get to know Sonia, of Chompy Chic, who is a WAHM, which means she is a Work At Home Mom!

What are the names and ages of your children?

I have three children, two boys and a baby girl. Connor 6, Jacob 4 and Ellis 1.

Use one word to describe motherhood.

Rewarding… especially now with a school aged child.  Our oldest’s teacher says he is kind and respectful.

What is a recent parenting “win” you’ve had?

My husband travels for a living so any time I can get all three kids fed, bathed and asleep before 9 pm I call that a win.

What is something you have learned since becoming a mother?

Less is more.  After three kids there are so many things that I didn’t use with the third.  Other than diapers and clothes, the top three things for a new baby would be a baby carrier, bassinet and a few swaddle blankets that can double as a nursing cover or shade from the sun.

What is a characteristic/quality that your child has that you admire?

My middle son Jacob is so empathetic.  If he sees some one upset his immediate reaction is to go and hug them and make sure they are okay.    

A Tula Item for Getting Work Done?

A Coast Tula Carrier has breathable mesh to keep baby and you cool while working.

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