Slow Fashion Jewelry: Natalie Joy talks creative flow

Slow Fashion Jewelry: Natalie Joy talks creative flow

Welcome to The Fringe 
Meet Natalie Joy: The designer and artist behind Natalie Joy Jewelry. 

How do you express yourself as a woman / parent / artist / etc... 
What makes you come alive? 
I'm most alive when I'm in a creative flow state.  Designing a new collection or making a piece of jewelry for the first time keeps me in the present moment. I'm not thinking about anything else except what is in front of me. It's an incredible feeling! I think it's possible to feel this way when you fully engage in play with your kids too.  It's not as easy to push aside the distractions and stressors of parenthood, but when you do, it's one of the best feelings.

What makes you distinctly you? 
It's easy to get wrapped up in social media and all the imagery and messaging we ingest on a daily basis.  It can push the idea that you have to fit into one specific aesthetic or niche in order to have an identity.  And I struggled with that for a long time. It felt like I was in contradiction with myself all the time for liking things that didn't fit into the same aesthetic package. But what I know now is that I'm a lot of things! And they don't all have to match or fit together perfectly.  It's actually awesome that they don't! I feel more in touch with my identity now than I have in a long time. 

Exploring the Fringe: Unveiling the Artistry of Natalie Joy, the Creative Force Behind Natalie Joy Jewelry
How are you creating a world you love for your children? 
We live in a world that is flawed and complicated, and it's important to show our kids it's possible to create a life that aligns with your values and keeps you excited. Natalie Joy Jewelry is a slow-fashion jewelry brand for the mindful consumer. Our pieces are handmade to order using recycled silver and brass, with an emphasis on clean simple designs that still make a statement. I'm really proud to be a slow fashion business owner. 

What are you reading, watching, listening to? 
Ok, this is a little embarrassing.  But I'm currently watching the Discovery Channel show Naked and Afraid. If you aren't familiar, it's a survival show where the contestants have to make it in the wilderness with practically nothing for 21 days. I've been obsessed with survival shows since I was a little kid (shout out to Swiss Family Robinson).  I find it so interesting! I also listen to podcasts nonstop while working in the jewelry studio.  My son is 3, and emotions are running high (iykyk) so I've been listening to Janet Lansbury's podcast, Unruffled.  It's an amazing resource and has been a huge help in our house. 

Naked and Afraid Poster and Janet Lansbury Unruffled Podcast poster

Best Natalie Joy piece of jewelry for a mom friend?  
When gifting jewelry to a fellow mom I always think about how realistic the piece will be in their daily life.  
Does it elevate their outfit without getting in the way? And of course, we want to avoid little fingers pulling or yanking. The U-Turn Ear Wrap is a perfect option.  They hug the ear lobe, are resistant to grabby little fingers, and are a great price point for gifting.

Model wearing Natalie Joy u-turn earrings. Perfect gift for a mom friend.

What has been the hardest part of the business?  

Before having my son Artie, I was a workaholic.  My business was my baby, and I would pour all of my energy into it.   

That all changed as soon as he arrived.  Setting healthy work/life boundaries was hard because I either felt mom guilt or business owner guilt. And I wasn't able to put my all into either one.  

I ultimately chose to slow down on the business side of things and establish a new normal. I'm so happy I did.  My business now moves at a sustainable pace for me as a mom.   

Team Tula Picks from Natalie Joy Jewelry 

Natalie Joy Handmade Earrings

Jackie | Tula’s Social Media Manager 

I love these Pool Hoops in Silver. I am getting back into silver, after being on a gold strike for a few years. I love the shape of these hoops as they’re a little more narrow than a traditional circle hoop and I love that! It’s minimal, but chunky and perfect for everyday wear. 

Kristy | Tula’s Customer Care Rep and Babywearing Educator 

I would pick these the Gold Crescent Moon Posts. I really like the crescent moon shape because it is a reminder how quickly life can change; and like the moon there is always more to people than what we can see. 

Tiffany | Tula’s Professional Babywearing Educator  

My favorite’s are the Klint Hoops. They remind me of breasts. That may be an unconventional reason to love them, but I can explain! Since nursing my second child (mostly out and about in a Tula) for three years, I grew a profound appreciation for this part of my anatomy. They would make a great weaning gift for a nursing mom.  
Team Tula's Natalie Joy Jewelry Favorites

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